The trickster Loki

En blyertsteckning jag gjort till kursen retorik och berättarteknik. Jag skulle göra en metafor för asaguden Loke och valde att rita honom som en skata. Den tjuvaktiga skatan, i dramat nedan.
Avritad från referensbild.

Beautiful, intelligent and cunning.
maybe to intelligent for his oen good, they say. But for Loki, his beauty and his intelligence combined was his most dangerous weapons.
He used them often in his quest to make the lifes misarable for the other gods in Midgard. But almost as often as he caused the problems, he also solved them with the help of his clever tricks.

One night, Loki was asked by Oden to bring him Feryas necklace. Oden did not like the way that Freya had "earned" the jewelry in the first place, so he decided that he would punish her by taking it from her.
So Loki was told to do the dirty work...
No man could enter Freyas chamber, if she did not approve of it. It was one of her powers, and she had cast that spell on her room so no one could enter uninvited. But Loki had one trick up his sleeve to. His power of change did able him to take any form of an living creature, size and gender. So he transformed himself into a fly, and snuck in throu a tiny hole in the door. When at the bed, he transformed into his favorite form. A Magpie. With his beak he successfully removed the necklace from the goddesess neck.
Beautiful, intelligent and cunning. both good and evil. in the dark as well as the light. He flew into the night,
with the goddesess necklace in a firm grip within his magpie claws.


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